Monday 18 June 2012

Thoughts about improving my blog


So I have been thinking about this for a while now. I know that lots of people have blogs, and I subscribe to a lot of blogs myself. Many I check regularly and try recipes, workouts and respond to posts. That is what I hope my blog to turn into. Some place where people can go and read something that may speak to me.

So I thought one important thing that I could talk about and that I have a lot of knowledge on, is dun dun dun gluten free and Celiac. So I thought about every Wednesday doing a "Wheat-less Wednesday"  blog. Where I could post some of my fave all time recipes, special treats, items I love, and general facts about Celiac. I think this is a very misunderstood disease and the only way people will learn more is if people like me, discuss it and talk about it.
I haven't been very comfortable talking about it. And had and still have a lot of physical, mental and emotional healing to do with this, as this is me for life. So as part of the healing process for me, is discussing it. And spreading awareness, so I don't have to be as worried about stuff like this.

If you would like to learn more more, or are interested in it, follow me, email me, or facebook me. I am up for any sort of suggestions.

Friday 8 June 2012

A blog that inspired me to start blogging

I know that blogging seems to be a new fad that has recently come around, and many people hope to be the next big blogger. Although I haven't really figured out what my main focus is going to be. Gluten free, Celiac, fitness, health tips. Really all of those things involve me and make me, me. And all of those are important to me and important for people to learn about and understand.
But there is a  blog that got me started on this idea. It is such an amazing website full of life questions and thought provoking ideas.
The website is

If you have never been to this site, go check it I promise you will not be disappointed!

Hopefully you enjoy that site and enjoy mine.


Hack life

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Teach me Tuesday

Okay, back again, I really don't start and stop things as much as I do this blog. If I could just really focus on setting sometime to do it. There is so much I want to discuss but I always seem to find an excuse... maybe out of fear that no one will read it, or think I am weird. But I am who I am like it or not.
Anyway! I am vowing to make more of an effort now.

So what did I learn today, it is something I have been learning a lot about over the past few months, but it is certainly something I struggle with. Forgiveness. I am reading this book that is basically all about forgiveness. If you want to know the book let me know and I will give you the information.
So as I've been reading, I have been trying to pay attention to important points but here is something that really stuck out to me.

                      forgiveness is a choice, and you do not have to forgive or believe in forgiveness. But do your            best to look at the consequences of your choice to forgive or not forgive, letting your heart help decide.

"believe that holding on to anger does not bring you what you really want."

Forgiveness does not mean saying that what a person did to you is okay, it is just saying I am not letting the emotional struggle stick with me, and when I realized that, it opened my eyes and my heart.
 Holding on to pain and anger is useless because so often the other person has moved on and you are stuck spinning your wheels.

So I am being taught the value of forgiveness.

Thursday 29 March 2012


Hey All!
I recently saw this video posted on Facebook a few times and thought that this would be a good time to share my feelings about this.
Watch the video and then continue on reading

                            simple words, irreplaceable people

In 2008 I was in a car accident, the guy who hit me was texting and driving and simply looked at his phone to send a message, and crashed into me while I was stopped. I broke my hand and suffered a lot of injury to my neck. 18 months of physio and to this day I still suffer from neck pain. Never will I forget or forgive the guy who hit me. He changed my life forever, but I was lucky, I survived most others aren't as lucky as me.
I know most of my friends text and drive, they all claim they are a "good driver" and most of them while not on their phones are good drivers, but as soon as they get on the phone and send a message that goes out the window. I wish I could grab their phone and throw it out the window. But it is their choice and it is my choice to get into a car with them.
This video states that people are TWENTY THREE times more likely to get in an accident while driving. As if Calgary roads aren't scary enough but throw in the people texting and driving, sometimes I'd rather walk.  No conversation is that important that you are willing to risk not only your life, but those of innocent people. It is just not worth it.
Next time you drive and you think about sending that text, think about this video and the message, or if you know me and knew me in 2008. Think how much pain I was in and all the shit I had to deal with just because of a simple message.

We aren't all perfect, and by no means am I , but if we just think before we act, this world could be a safer place.


Tuesday 27 March 2012

Don't Lose Focus Now

I recently booked a vacation alone, just me and myself on a beach. I cannot wait, but by booking it a month out all I can do is think about my vacation which is royally screwing up my focus for school. I have 6 assignments, well 5 I just handed one in and 3 finals before I am done. I must not lose focus now.
This year has certainly been a struggle in every aspect, but what has managed to keep me going is by just taking everything day by day. And remembering that I can do anything for 24 hours it is not that long in the grand scheme of things. But as soon as I lose focus and start to think ahead, I lose control and I don't like that.
If you forget to live in the moment, you may forget to find the beauty in the little things because you don't pay attention to them.
For the rest of the semester I am going to just accomplish little things, each day and before I know it, bam I will be on a beach!

Friday 23 March 2012

Start Over

Here I am again, I started a blog before but never really followed up with it. The first post was me talking about getting diagnosed with Celiac, feel free to read that one. But most of you know my trail and error process of dealing with this new found aspect of my life.
I will probably blog about that, as I get more comfortable with putting myself out there for everyone to read, but as of right now it is too sensitive for me to put out into the world.
I spend a lot of time reading blogs, and I always find new interesting things when I read them. Most of them are fitness or food related, so I hope that if you read this blog you will learn new things. 

Picture below is one I found in one of the many pages I "like" on facebook, this is my motto. I don't wanna become someone better,  but I wanna become the person I have always wanted to be. The glimpses of that girl I see are what push me, so by putting it out there hopefully I will become that girl